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Different roles for different people

Our members represent a broad cross-section of the community in terms of age and occupation. We are ALL VOLUNTEERS and about one-quarter of the brigades firefighters are women.

Roles other than active firefighting are also available. A Brigade Management Team is responsible for running the brigade. We are always looking for new members to help with the daily running of the brigade.


The brigade is led by a Captain, who is assisted by five Lieutenants. About 25 fully trained volunteer firefighters (both men and women) respond to fires and incidents. Operational members are alerted to fire calls by pagers and sirens triggered from a dispatch centre that operates 24-hours a day.

Non Operational

Brigade members also perform a variety of non-firefighting roles and responsibilities. These include station management, community education, school and community group visits, fundraising, maintenance and administrative tasks.

Junior Fire Brigade

Since 1971, Sassafras-Ferny Creek has operated a Junior Brigade, which offers training for young people aged between 11 and 16 years interested in the fire service. Junior members undertake a supervised training program focused on building firefighting skills and understandings.

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